Gallery RitsArt

Gallery RitsArt is a gallery full of atmosphere with a diverse range of contemporary art. The gallery was founded on the idea that art should be accessible to everyone. With 200 paintings in the gallery, ranging from impressionists such as Ernst Vos and Arien Winkel, abstract etchings by Olivier Beijn and Peter Franssen to figurative work by Rene Visker and neo-symbolism by Kanbier, a wealth of diversity marks the works.
Other well-known names in the gallery include Peter Klashorst, duo Meidam-Kleinjan, George Heidweiller and Herman Brood. Ritsart also represents international artists such as Erturk Boyanci (Turkey) and Fabio Bianco (Italy).
Opening times
- Every monday closed
- Every tuesday closed
- Every wednesday closed
- Every thursday closed
- Every friday from 14:00 to 17:30
- Every saturday from 11:00 to 17:30
- Every sunday from 13:00 to 17:00